Ode to Blue If I were a bird, I’d choose blue, as in bluebird. Blue because the color of their feathers isn’t flat like blue on canvas, but shimmering and alive, shining sunlight back. Their sweet calls add to their pleasure, especially late in autumn, when bluebirds linger. A group swung in and out of my bird bath, splashing in the water, then taking wing to sing, readying for the journey south. Blue is happiness, skies, eyes, water, the edge of a rainbow.
About the photo and poem
Birds are migrating. Yesterday I spotted a flock of robins in my yard. They took turns at the bird bath, not to bathe, but for long drinks. I’m proud of my photo of bluebirds taken one year in my yard. I stayed inside and shot it through the window. It was thrilling to have them splashing and cavorting in the water. Bluebirds are among my favorite birds, though I can’t think of a bird I don’t like. Sometimes having a bird bath feels like work. It’s important to keep it clean and refresh the water. Then I’ll catch a glimpse of some bird in the bath, and it all feels worth the work. This time of year white pines are shedding their needles, other trees shedding their leaves. It feels right to shed a few things myself. What are you going to shed?
What a sweet, sweet picture! And yes, blue is a wonderful color for a bird. Happy is right.
I took an interest in your saying that there is no bird you don't like. English sparrows? Grackles? Grackles are ungainly unattractive things as far as I'm concerned although they do have a nice luminescence. And how about the birds that go to bluebird houses and break open the bluebird eggs and eat them. It's the way of nature but that doesn't mean we have to like it.